10 Features Your Physiotherapy Client Profiles Need to Have

Physiotherapy client profiles come in all shapes and sizes. And while they may all appear to fit the bill, there are certain pieces of information that need to be entered before you can truly round out your clients’ profiles and consider them complete. Below are 10 features your physiotherapy client profiles need to have:


1) Demographics


Demographic information is one of the basic building blocks of your physiotherapy patients’ client profiles. Things like age, gender, and occupation can provide you and your providers with important information about the type of treatment they ought to receive.


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2) Guardian information


Your clinic might treat children, disabled persons, or the elderly. If this is the case, it’ll be important to record information about their legal guardians. Practice Perfect has a tab in the client profile that is fully dedicated to guardians. This information is especially important when patients are receiving insurance coverage under their guardian’s policy.


3) Clinical documentation for physiotherapy patients


Clinical documentation is one of the cornerstones of Practice Perfect. And as a physiotherapist, the types of clinical documentation that you’ll be required to produce will vary. Some are simple and generic like SOAP notes, while other might be more specific to one particular client and the circumstances surrounding their treatment plan.


For example, you may find yourself creating forms and documents in Microsoft Word for use in certain situations, and you may still wish to save them as part of a patient’s profile. Practice Perfect gives you the ability to store these types of documents directly in the software so that finding them and referencing them is as simple as possible.


4) Insurance coverage information for physiotherapy patients


Many physiotherapy patients would not be able to afford treatment without the aid of their insurance companies. This information ought to be stored within their client profile so that you have all of the data that you need to submit their claims when the time comes.


5) Billing information for physiotherapy patients


This goes hand in hand with the insurance coverage information discussed above. Depending on your patients’ coverage plan, they may be required to pay a deductible, or even a copay, in order for them to receive treatment. If this is the case, you’ll want to make sure that you have their payment information on file so you can make the payments and quick and convenient as possible.


Click here to learn about X-Charge, an integrated debit and credit card processing solution that works with Practice Perfect.  


6) Medical history


A patient’s medical history can, and will, impact the treatment they’ll be receiving in the future. Details, such as the date of their initial assessment, should be recorded in their client profile.


7) Allergies


Allergy information is hands down one of the most important things to record in your physiotherapy client profiles. In the medical profession, it can be downright dangerous not to have this information on hand. Practice Perfect is aware of this and we’ve included measures that make this type of information highly visible to users.


8) Discharge status for physiotherapy patients


It’s likely that you will need to discharge your patients at some point during their treatment. It may be because they’ve completed their treatment plan and have made a full recovery, or it could be because they simply decided to stop seeking treatment. Whatever the reason for a discharge, this information ought to be recorded in their client profile.


9) Other contacts


Certain types of claims will require the authorization of a physician in order for them to be approved. If this is the case, you will need to record the name of the physician who recommended treatment in the first place. Practice Perfect has a separate section on client profiles called ‘Contacts’ where you can store their contact information.


10) Audit-proof your business


You never know when your clinic is going to be selected for an audit. As such, you need to take certain precautions that will ensure that your business emerges from them unscathed. For example, if you have every single appointment, treatment, and charge available to you in a patients’ client profile, you’ll have no reason to worry.


Did you know that Medicare will be auditing PT, OT, and SLP services exceeding $3,700? Click here to read more.

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