Please note that this article contains information that is only relevant to our American clients. The short answer to the question posed by this article is “Yes–you can double-book your Medicare patients.” But, there are certain circumstance
One of the most common questions we’re asked by our potential clients is whether or not they’re locked into a fixed term contract. In fact, many software vendors will dish out hefty fines if you ever decide to prematurely cancel a contract. But you’ll
When potential clients inquire about our services, they often ask about whether or not there are any up-front costs for training or support. Apparently many of the EMR software vendors that they’ve spoken to will charge them a separate fee for training. Fur
Despite the fact that data backups should be performed daily, there’s only a marginal number of people who do! In this article, I will provide you with 10 irrefutable reasons for why you need to back up your data daily: 1) Beware of the audit If, f
Have you noticed the new centerpiece on the Practice Perfect homepage? We put together a short video detailing the top five questions that owners and managers need to ask their EMR software providers. Over the course of the next few weeks, we’ll be posting s