Please note that this article contains information that is only relevant to our American clients. Did you know that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently contracted StrategicHealthSolutions (SHS) to conduct audits on their behalf
Please not that this article contains information that is only relevant to our American clients. We’ve spoken at length about re-evaluations, and we’ve spoken about progress reports, too, but one subject we’ve yet to touch on is re-certifications. So
Please note that this article contains information that is only relevant to American clinics. A recent article from Gawenda Seminars and Consulting discussed progress reports and asked an extremely relevant question: what are the required elements? We kn
Note: This article contains information that is only relevant to American clinics. I was reading a recent article by Rick Gawenda the other day and it talked about how many therapists are under the impression that they need to bill insurance carriers
Practice Perfect is proud to present the Accelerated Learning Center 1.o. The Accelerated Learning Center (ALC) is a series of tutorial videos designed to guide you through the key functions of Practice Perfect. Whether you’re a brand new user