Part 1: How to Setup Compensation for Providers


1. Go to Housekeeping->Contacts->Providers



2. Double click on the 'Provider' for which you wish to setup 'Compensation'.


3. Click on the 'Compensation' tab. 



4. Find the ‘Fee Code’ you wish to setup compensation for in the list then check off one of the following:  Hourly, Visit, Quantity, Fixed Rate, Unit or Percentage.



5. Then enter in the rate in the ‘Rate’ column.  For example, if you wish to compensate the provider by giving them 50% of the revenue, check off the ‘Percentage’ checkbox and enter in 50 in the ‘Rate’ column.



6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all the ‘Fee Codes’ for which you wish to compensate the provider.  Please note that compensation is not retroactive.  Practice Perfect will only calculate compensation from the moment it is setup for the provider.


Part 2: How to run the ‘Compensation Report'


1. Once compensation has been entered for your providers, you can run the ‘Compensation Report’. To do so, select Reports->Operations->Compensation Report from the menu bar at the top of the screen.



2. Begin by entering a ‘Report Date Range’. The criteria in the screenshot below will display compensation results from January 1 to January 31 for ‘Treatment or Service Charge’ entered during this period.


You can choose ‘Show everything taking place during this period’ to generate a list of all of the ‘Treatments and Services’ that took place within the date range, regardless of when they were entered. For example, if the service was performed on January 31, but the service wasn’t entered until February 1, it will still appear in the report.


Furthermore, you can choose whether you want the report to ‘Show everything entered during this period’. This will include the compensation for all of the ‘Treatment and Service Charges’ entered within that date range, regardless of when the actual service took place. For example, if the service was performed on January 31, but the service wasn’t entered until February 1, then it will not appear in the report.


Lastly, some clinics prefer not to pay their providers until they receive payment. If so, you may choose ‘Show everything paid during this period’ and the ‘Compensation Report’ will only show ‘Treatment and Service Charges’ which have been paid within the specified date range.


By default, the services dates are set to January 1, 2000 and today’s date so that should cover any service that were paid within the time period specified.  There normally isn’t a need to change this specific default.


If you do opt to show the report for services that were paid during a specific date range, there is an extra option to only show include payments for services that occured during another date range. For example, you might want to show payments received in February but only for services that occured in January.  These dates would be entered in the 'For services between fields'. Generally, this can left blank.



3. Under ‘Details’, you can alter the way that the report appears. For instance, you can choose if you want the report to contain very specific details by choosing ‘Show details and summary’, or a brief summary of the services performed and the compensation by choosing ‘Show summary only’.


If this is a version of the report that you will be sharing with the provider themselves, and you do not want them to see specific information regarding the profit margins etc., tick off ‘Provider version’. Lastly, if you wish to ‘Include sales tax’ in the ‘Compensation Report’, tick off said box.


You may use the ‘Show Options’ section to narrow down the charges that appear in your report, whether it’s for a certain ‘Provider’, ‘Service’, ‘Division’, or ‘Location’.






The compensation calculation is not retroactive, its only calculated from the moment the setup occurs or a change happens moving forward. Changing compensation rates will not affect any charges or payments that have already happened.

Next in: Reporting

  • video icon Key Metrics to Grow Your Business
  • video icon The Practice Perfect Reporting Primer: Volume 1