The Practice Perfect Press: March ’23

Welcome to the March edition of our monthly e-newsletter! In this issue we have a note about our licensing, an update to emailing patient statements, and news about an exciting enhancement to the Wired Client API.

Our Latest Release

Practice Perfect’s latest official release is Version R611. For more information about the updates and changes included in this release, click the link here.

A Note About Practice Perfect’s Licensing

We’d like to take a moment to remind our clients that Practice Perfect’s subscription fee is based on the number of concurrent users. In other words, this is the upper limit of the number of users that login to Practice Perfect simultaneously, whether they’re using the desktop or web application.

Until recently, our ability to track the number of users logged in to the web application was inaccurate, and as a result, was largely ignored. However, this loophole has been closed and web users are now being counted correctly. This means that some may find that their number of licenses needs to be increased to accommodate your usage of the web application.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the support department for more information.

NOW AVAILABLE: Emailing Statements to Multiple Clients

Did you know that you can email statements to patients from within Practice Perfect? Well we just made this feature even better.

In our latest release, R611, users can flag multiple patient records in the Client Listing, press the Client Statements button, and then email statements to each of the flagged clients with an email address on file.

Prior to this, users could only email one patient at a time. But now, you can easily send a whole batch of statements in only a few button clicks.

To schedule your upgrade to R611 and begin utilizing this feature, contact us today!

COMING SOON: Send SMS Messages Directly in Practice Perfect

One of Wired Client’s best-loved features is its ability to facilitate two-way texting. But right now, users have to login to the Wired Client interface to send these messages.

In the next Practice Perfect release, we’re adding the ability to send a one-off text message from within your EMR system. So there’s no need to play phone tag with your patients anymore–just send a quick text instead.

As ever, we’re offering a free two month trial of Wired Client for new users, so if you’d like to learn more about the platform, schedule a demo, or join us for a training session, click the link below to get in touch.

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