The Practice Perfect Press: May ’24

Welcome to the May edition of our monthly e-newsletter! In this issue we share an update on our upcoming AI integration, automated voice calls, and the latest Practice Perfect Presents video.

Our Latest Release

Practice Perfect’s latest official release is Version R641. For more information about the updates and changes included in this release, click the link here.

As a reminder, updates are free of charge, and you can schedule yours by contacting support today.

Making Strides Towards AI Assisted Documentation

Doesn’t it seem like everyone is talking about AI? It feels like we’re in the midst of a watershed moment where a new technology comes along and leaves a lasting impression on every facet of our lives. So naturally, we’ve been asked a lot of questions about AI and how we’re going to incorporate it in Practice Perfect.

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve begun conversations with an AI medical scribe company about building an integration that would allow their AI platform to transcribe your conversations with patients, extract the relevant information, and turn them into treatment notes.

While we’re only in the early stages of this integration, be sure to watch this space for future updates about how you can begin harnessing the power of AI at your clinic.

Automated Voice Calls: Cater to Diverse Populations

Wired Client now offers automated voice calls. Let’s face it; not everyone wants to receive a text message. Some folks prefer old fashioned phone calls, and we can now accommodate them.

The system can take your Message Templates, automatically call the client, and read it to them. If they don’t answer, it will leave a voicemail for them instead.

Whether you’re a current Wired Client user that wants to begin leveraging this new feature, or you’re interested in trying out the system for the first time, click here.

Practice Perfect Presents: How to Run the Patient Fall-Off Report

In our latest Practice Perfect Presents video, we demonstrate how to run the Patient Fall-off Report and recapture active clients that have stopped attending the clinic.

Happy May Long Weekend!

Last but certainly not least, we’d like to take a moment to wish a Happy Victoria Day to our Canadian friends, and a Happy Memorial Day to our friends south of the border. We hope you get to enjoy some time spent with friends and loved ones!

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