Tips and Tricks: Why Visit Counts Matter

In our Tips & Tricks series, we will provide readers with novel ideas for making the most of Practice Perfect EMR in their clinic. 


Whether a patient at your facility is receiving coverage under a regional healthcare plan, or extended healthcare benefits, it’s extremely important to help a patient track their coverage via visit counts. Otherwise, they might end up incurring some pretty hefty out of pocket expenses.


The funding maximum tied to a patient’s coverage can be tracked using a number of different figures. For example, they may be allotted a certain dollar amount (e.g. $5,000 per year). Or perhaps they’ve been granted a certain number of visits (e.g. 104 visits per year). Whatever the case may be, this number will remain top of mind for the patient. But did you know that Practice Perfect has an easily accessible section in the software that makes tracking this information incredibly easy? Here’s how:


‘Visit Counts’ and ‘Fee Codes’


Every treatment or service performed in your clinic will have its own ‘Fee Code’. Part of setting up the ‘Fee Code’ involves creating a number of defaults that the system can refer to when entering new treatments and services. Among these defaults are ‘Visits’. Naturally, every treatment or service charge will end up having a ‘1’ in the ‘Visits’ field.


But what happens when you enter more than one treatment or service charge? We’re aware that this happens more often than not, so we’ve included the option to force only 1 ‘Visit’ per day. This way, you can ensure that you won’t artificially inflate your patients’ visit count, and the remaining coverage displayed in the ‘Key Patient Information’ section will always be accurate.


Would you like to learn more about why ‘Visit Counts’ matter? Just check out the video below to see how they work:


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