7 Must-Have EMR Tools for the Modern Physical Therapist

When you’re looking for an EMR software for your physical therapy clinic, you’re likely to base your selection on the features it includes. In some circles, these features are referred to as EMR tools. And in this article, we’ll be discussing the 7 must-have EMR tools for the modern physical therapist.


1) Body charts


In the past when client records were paper-based, providers often included a body chart to help identify which part of the body was injured. Consequently, the body chart showed which part of the body they’d be receiving treatment for. But, modern physical therapists rely on their EMR software to store their patients’ body charts. Certain types of claims actually require body charts to be included as part of their submission—Practice Perfect makes this easy by integrating body charts directly in the software.


2) Diagnostic codes


Diagnostic codes are somewhat similar to body charts in the sense that they provide key information about a patient’s injuries. Diagnostic codes, however, are generally required by more payors.


Your physical therapy EMR software should include a digital storeroom for all of the relevant diagnostic codes used by your clinic. Oftentimes, your regional healthcare authority will decide which codes are to be used. Whether you need to include ICD-9 or ICD-10 diagnostic codes in your submissions, Practice Perfect can be pre-loaded with the EMR tools you need to run a successful physical therapy practice.


3) Treatment and Assessment Fee Codes (CPT codes)


Your treatment and assessment fee codes are the financial building blocks of your clinic. Essentially, they represent every product, report, treatment, or service that your clinic charges money for. In the case of American clinics who regularly submit claims to Medicare and Medicaid, they are universally required to use CPT codes. Like ICD-9 and 10 codes, CPT codes can be pre-loaded in the software, providing you with the physical therapy EMR tools you need to prosper.


Is it possible to double-book Medicare patients? Click here to find out.


4) Client profiles


Every patient in your physical therapy clinic ought to have their own client profile—this is one of the ultimate EMR tools in your arsenal. By creating separate client profiles for each of your patients, you will always have access to their contact information, insurance policy information, and their medical history at your fingertips. As such, client profiles are central to the way Practice Perfect operates.


Sections like ‘Activities by Service’ and ‘Activities by Documents’ provide users with a comprehensive overview of all the treatments and services performed for this patient.


Click here to read about 10 features every physiotherapy client profile must have.


5) Integrated billing and claims submissions


Billing and claims submissions for American physical therapists presents a unique challenge. For starters, clinics are required to submit their claims to a clearinghouse before they are transmitted to the insurer. In light of this, Practice Perfect has developed an EMR tool that can integrate with your clearinghouse and collate all of the information needed to complete your claims submissions.


Click here to learn more about some optional add-ons designed to enhance your Practice Perfect experience.


In terms of Canadian physical therapists, Practice Perfect has successfully integrated TELUS Health, HCAI, OHIP and BC Teleplan, to name a few. These integrations make submitting claims a breeze by allowing you to compile Invoices and perform batch billing from directly within the software.


6) Reports and marketing tools


When it comes to growing your business, measuring your results is almost as important as achieving them in the first place. Measuring your results enables you to gauge what works, what doesn’t, and prompts you to begin thinking about how you can adapt your strategy to improve your bottom line. And you’ll be pleased to know Practice Perfect comes complete with a number of canned reports designed to offer you insights into how your business is doing. These reports can help you track underperforming referral sources, patient fall-off, accounts receivable, and much more.


7) Web access


Last but not least, web access is definitely considered a must-have EMR tool for the modern physical therapist. Many physical therapists are required to travel from patient to patient, and spend a significant amount of time outside of the office. That said, they won’t always have access to one of their office computers—but that doesn’t mean they won’t have access to the software. Certain functions, such as clinical documentation and scheduling, are able to be accessed remotely, making it a very versatile piece of software.

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