It's not uncommon to accidentally enter several treatments under the wrong incident without noticing. Because of this, we've created a function within Practice Perfect that allows you to move treatments from one incident to another without having to do any re-entry or editing.
To do so, you must first be in the specific client’s Activity by Service view. Next, identify the transactions that you wish to transfer to another incident and flag them (by clicking under the column). Next, click on Action from the top-line drop-down menu followed by Transfer Service.
A list of all of the incidents for this client will then appear – simply highlight the incident that you want the service(s) moved to and click. The transfer will be done, the service(s) will be removed from the current incident and moved to the one you had indicated.
Note: Services that have been invoiced or have had payment(s) applied against them cannot have their services transferred – they need to be un-invoiced first, and the payment(s) must be unapplied.