5 Ways to Keep Your Clinic Top of Mind

Keeping your clinic top of mind is what you need to do to ensure that people continue coming back for treatment. But with some many competing forces like their work, families, hobbies, and Netflix, this isn’t always the easiest thing to do. In this article, we’ll be providing 5 ways to keep your clinic top of mind.

1) Social media

Social media has firmly entrenched itself as a must-have business tool. Between Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, there is a ton of potential to be explored.

For starters, social media acts as a way to display the personality of your business, be it through pictures, videos, or witty posts. You can also use it to answer questions, share valuable information, and advertise at little to no cost. So if your clinic isn’t already harnessing the power of social media, it’s about time that you started.

2)  Free giveaways

Free giveaways are a tried a true way for keeping your clinic top of mind. There are few things that people love more than free giveaways.

When deciding what to use for a free giveaway, consider giving something that can be used in everyday life that’s related to your business. For example, if you work in a PT clinic, you can use exercise bands with your company’s name and logo on it as a giveaway. Or if you work in a psychology clinic, you can give your patients a branded pen that they can use to write in their journal.

3) Events

Regular events are a great way to get people coming back to your clinic. Not only that,  but it gives them something to look forward to. Events like an annual barbecue have the potential to become a staple in someone’s summer routine.

4) Superb customer service

From the moment the patient walks in through your clinic’s door, to the moment they leave, everyone in the office has an obligation to provide super customer service. Taking the time to ensure all of your patients’ needs are met is what takes your service from good to great. It’s always what keeps your clinic top of mind when it comes to referring your services to your patients’ friends and family.

5) Keeping touch outside of the clinic

It’s good to keep in touch with your patients outside of the clinic. But for many clinicians, this presents a challenge. For starters, they don’t want to divulge their personal cellphone numbers. And on top of that, they don’t want to be too forward.

Certain tools like Wired Client and ReminderCall allow you to stay in touch with patients and keep your clinic top of mind without overstepping any boundaries.

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