6 Ways to Fill Your Calendar with EMR Software

In the world of clinical rehabilitation, nothing says ‘successful business’ quite like a full calendar. Thus, it is the goal of the owners and the managers to put their providers in a position to fill their calendars and treat as many patients as possible. But did you know that there are ways that you can use your EMR software to fill your calendar? Check out 6 ways to achieve this below:


1) Reminder calls


Reminder Call is a handy add-on that allows clinics to send their patients appointment reminder text messages and phone calls. You’re able to send automated birthday greetings using Reminder Call, too. That said, this add-on is able to increase patient compliance, remain in contact with them, and help you fill your calendar.


Click here to learn more about Reminder Call, and some other optional add-ons that were designed to transform your Practice Perfect experience.


2) Excellent customer service


Whether you’re working in retail or rehabilitation, thought leaders will agree that outstanding customer service is the hallmark of a healthy business. Your front desk staff will be the first to make contact with your patients and set the tone for their visit. If your patients become well acquainted with the friendly vibe at your clinic, then filling your calendar will be a breeze.


3) Reporting on key figures


A business is only as good as its plan, and these plans are based on numbers and key figures. EMR software like Practice Perfect comes equipped with a number of canned reports that provide you with important operational data that can affect your plan moving forward. Some of the reports that you can run in Practice Perfect are: ‘Accounts Receivable by Invoice’, ‘Unbilled Services’, and ‘Revenue Reports’.


4) Cultivate referrals


Referrals are a proven way to keep a fresh flow of patients streaming into your clinic. Information such as the patient’s referral source provide you with key insights into where your patients are coming from, and how they found out about you in the first place. Being able to track this type of data equips you with the background you need to keep those referrals coming.


Click here to read about the role of referrals in PT practice growth.


5) Marketing campaigns


You’ll likely be looking into different marketing strategies when you’re ready to take your clinic to the next level. Like Practice Perfect’s canned revenue reports, there are also a number of marketing reports designed to provide you with specific information about your patients. For example, if you know that the vast majority of your new clients are coming from the internet, you may want to dedicate more resources to cultivating your online presence.


6) Have enough staff on deck


It’s important to staff enough providers to take care of your patients. You don’t want your calendar to be full because there aren’t enough providers to take care of your patients—that’s not the type of full calendar that this article is about. If your clinic is approaching critical mass, owners must ensure that they have the infrastructure in place to support that growth. EMR software like Practice Perfect makes it really easy to add new staff to the system and get them treating patients as soon as possible.

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